Don’t allow the soil around your house or structure to become exceedingly wet or dry. Because soil in the Los Angeles area expand and contract as moisture levels change, it takes a little work to maintain moisture levels. Remember: The motions created as a result of the expansion and contraction of soil causes cracks. By implementing a water control program, you can prevent lots of damage.
In the warm months, it’s important to water your foundation. While an underground foundation watering system would be excellent, it can be expensive and problematic in the rainy months. A better option may be to use an automatic lawn sprinkler or soaker hose to keep the dirt around your structure slightly moist. If you utilize a soaker hose, install it approximately 3” deep and about one foot away from your foundation. Or, you might consider installing rock beds about 2’ away from your foundation. These beds will allow much-needed moisture to seep into the soil around your foundation and prevent it from cracking. Repairing foundations costs a lot more than a little maintenance does.