Whether or not you have insurance for foundation repair, it’s imperative to monitor your foundation regularly to prevent foundation problems from getting worse. Catching problems early on will minimize both the extent and cost of the repair.
Inspect your foundation regularly for cracks, signs of slanting, warped walls and floors, and indications of water intrusion. As soon as any signs of trouble are spotted, book a home inspection with a professional contractor. Since many contractors offer free initial consultations, you have nothing to lose by playing it safe and being cautious.
In addition to regularly inspecting your home, you can take steps to maintain a healthy foundation and minimize foundation damage. Ensure that soil in your yard is watered during dry periods to prevent a lack of moisture from causing it to contract and potentially destabilize the foundation.
Additionally, check that your yard is equipped with a proper drainage system to prevent over-saturation of the soil, which will cause it to expand. Gutter downspouts should always be pointed away from the home to prevent water from pooling close to the foundation. If you notice standing water in your yard, it’s important to book a drainage system inspection and consider updating your yard drainage.