Sister Foundation

A lot of homes in the Los Angeles experience numerous foundation problems which are usually brought on by poor construction methods and materials, age, climate or by seismic activity.

Unlike other types of foundations, Masonry and stone foundations are vulnerable to damage because they don’t have the reinforcement of rebars hence will easily start to fail.

When a homeowner sees any signs indicating foundation damage, it is time to call us to provide you with an inspection and estimate. One of the solutions for foundation damage is Sister Foundation. Read more about it

sister foundation
40 years of experience

What is Sister Foundation?

Of the various methods used to repair damaged foundations, sister foundations are one of the most suitable ways of repairing masonry or stone foundations. A sister foundation is a foundation that is built around an already existing but weak foundation in order to reinforce it without actually replacing it.

The process of adding a sister foundation to an already existing foundation begins by digging a trench next to the foundation after which pockets are formed in the old foundation in order to attach the sister foundation to the old one. A rebar is then added and then wood frames and finally, concrete is poured. The newly constructed sister foundation which is sturdy will hold the weight of the house instead of the old and weak foundation.

Signs Indicating Foundation Issues:

window crack repair

Cracked Windows Or Door Frames

water damage

Water Damage

crack brick wall

Wall Cracks

Earthquake Hazard

Old and weak masonry or stone foundations are very dangerous to the occupants of the house in the event of earthquakes or heavy downpours.

Not only will a weak foundation start to cause cracks in the walls of the house but a weak masonry or stone foundation will easily crumble and cause total destruction of the property in the event of an earthquake or heavy downpours because foundations are the first line of defense against earthquakes and storms.

Foundation Crack

Why Us? Why Now?

California Foundation Works offers expert solutions for sister wall foundation installation procedures. We handle the entire planning and permitting process for you. The installation of a sister wall will ensure that your foundation is reinforced and properly protected, and can usually be accomplished within a few days.

Our expertise give us the ability to provide you with professional work in a convenient timely manner. On top of that, we are a one-stop-shop for any house related repairs, so once we come to your house we will also inspect it and give you a report on what is the condition of the other components of your home.

We will ensure that your Los Angeles building meets all current California codes. Don’t delay when it comes to the safety of your residents and the property value of your building.


Expert Services

One Stop Shop For Your Property Repairs

California Foundation Works, is a Los Angeles Based Foundation, Drainage and Concrete Contractor.

Foundation Replacement

Foundation Replacement

House Bolting

House Bolting

Foundation Underpinning

Foundation Underpinning

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